Solid Sitka Spruce Top
As a guitar soundboard, or top, Sitka spruce is the tonewood standard ofthe modernera.lt is strong,light, and gives an extended harmonic .content and nearly equals the power of Adirondack Strong, focused tone with a solid fundamental- -perfect for flatpicking styles.

Rosewood Back & Side
Rosewood on the back and sides of an acoustic guitar produces a rich and bright sound.Rosewood has a warm tone which is dense in overtones.This means that it has a rich tone which is very suitable for fingerstyle players.has a scooped mid-range, The bass-frequencies are very prominent and the treble is slightly boosted .

Manhgany with Rinforced Carbon Fber Neck
Mahogany is also a stable material with even density.lt also absorbs some string vibrations more than maple, so you can get slightly compressed highs.Due to the density of mahogany, it is very stable and not easilydeformed. On the basis again, we specially added a carbon fiber einforcement rod in the neck, which is more resistant to changes in temperature and humidity.

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